Rush Poppers Brunei


How do they work?

Poppers are now used for much more exciting purposes than relief of chest pain. With respect to the pharmacology, when inhaled these products do only one thing : namely, they relax smooth muscle, which is why poppers were so popular among gay men as they made anal intercourse easier.

It is smooth muscle that surrounds the body's blood vessels. When allowed to relax, the blood pressure drops, the vessels must fill up with more blood, thus the heart races to fill the space (similar to the plumbing in your house; if the pipes suddenly got bigger, the water would have to be pumped faster to fill up the expanded space). This is the secondary effect also called vasodilation, or relaxation of blood vessels.

This gives the user a warm sensation all over the body and causes large amounts of oxygen-bearing blood to flow through the brain, thus giving the user a 'rush.' The increase in oxygen also leads to a sudden intensification of current positive emotions, thus increasing one's lust and lack of inhibition, encouraging a sense of raw animal sexuality.

The nitrite portion of the molecule is what affects you, regardless of what organic molecule it's attached to. The effects are the same regardless.

For most users, inhalant use results in a rapid euphoric effect that is similar to alcohol intoxication. Users experience initial excitation, then drowsiness, lightheadedness, and agitation. Inhalant users also report feeling a loss of inhibitions. The chemicals found in volatile solvents, aerosols, and gases produce a variety of additional effects during or shortly after use that include dizziness, strong hallucinations, delusions, belligerence, apathy, and impaired judgment.

How it is used ?

Poppers are an inhalant, as n-nitrites have very low vapor points and become airborne almost immediately. The most common method of taking them is to simply open the bottle, hold it under one's nose, and inhale.
Once opened, the Nitrite evaporates and the vapour is inhaled. These products are usually described by the manufacturers as 'room odourisers'.
This means you actually don’t have to sniff at all. If you do, be careful the liquid doesn’t burn your skin. 


You can get Poppers here 
$15 per bottle.
WhatsApp 8846382 
